Best Practice of Active Directory workshop was organised successfully.
“Microsoft Innovation Day”сэдэвт форум семинар амжилттай боллоо
Software development and production trends determinant Microsoft Corporation in the world “Microsoft Innovation Day” Forum Workshop organized at The Corporate hotel Convention center.
Being organized for the second year, “Innovation Day” Meeting Forum, Microsoft’s director of business development in Central Asia, Mr Alexey-Trubinov, experts and organized by Microsoft’s Mongolian official partner Empasoft, IT Zone, Infosolution, Naviworld, Softline companies, in cooperation with Microsoft Mongolia and worldwide policy changes that followed, a new generation of business systems and solutions, and its reliability, and information about the safety and support services as presented.

Meeting this time, large ceremony attended by more than 150 information technology professionals and partner organizations, discussion about Microsoft System Center, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft ERP, Information Security and introduce the types of licenses conducted an open forum.

Empasoft company`s IT expert Ts.Baatar presented Microsoft System Center solution, and this solution is organizing and managing computers and devices input at the physical and virtual environment, using addition, the integrated automated management solutions that help organizations increase productivity, improve profitability and has many advantages.

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